GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische

Get to know us

GMT Europe - Your Partner for Linear Technology

We get your projects moving with precision and reliability.

GMT Europe stands for technical excellence and the manufacture of high-quality linear and rotational units that seamlessly integrate into your manufacturing processes. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, we are a reliable partner committed to providing our customers with maximum value and unrestricted profitability.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
10 years of expertise
GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
Precise technology
GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
Modern production
GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
Customer focused service

We are GMT

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
Thorben General Manager

Head of GMT Europe – He keeps the precise overview.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
Matthias Sales Director

Whether customer ac­qui­si­tion or pro­duct sales – He is the doer.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
Julia Key Account Manager

Strategies and Re­lation­ships – She has it all under control.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
Florian IT Professional

Digitization, pro­gress and in­no­va­tion – Every­thing is linear with him.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
Anke Management Assistant

Organisation and relief – always in good hands.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
Darinka Tax Specialist

Balance sheets, sales, finances – she juggles numbers like no other.

Extraordinary Skills

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische

With technical know-­how, profes­sional exper­tise and many years of ex­pe­ri­ence, we are ex­perts in our field.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
Down to earth

We rely on the qua­lity of our pro­ducts, im­press with our abi­lity and see cus­to­mers as long­term part­ners on an equal footing.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische

As part of a world­wide net­work of sales and ser­vice points, we gua­ran­tee first-­class ser­vice – no matter where you are.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische

We demonstrate growth by streng­the­ning com­pe­ten­cies, de­ve­lo­ping so­lu­tion-­orien­ted pro­ducts and cre­at­ing re­li­able standards.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische

With high-quality products, best ser­vi­ces and an un­beat­able price-­per­for­man­ce ra­tio, we en­sure con­ti­nui­ty, sec­uri­ty and quality.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische
Customer oriented

With a friendly, appre­cia­tive ap­pro­ach, we sup­port you in fin­ding a so­lu­tion even when others are al­ready throw­ing in the towel.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische

We develop your indi­vi­dual de­si­red pro­duct with you, so that units can be seam­less­ly in­te­gra­ted into your work processes.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische

We are pioneers in the indus­try through con­stant pro­gress and con­ti­nu­ous­ly de­ve­lo­ped pro­ducts that are clear­ly con­vin­cing in practice.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische


Our technologies are designed to provide precise and reliable motion solutions for a wide range of industrial applications. At the heart of this are our motorized and manual positioning systems, which enable maximum accuracy and control. Our linear guidance systems and customized components - from bearing units to shaft couplings - are designed to ensure seamless and durable motion sequences.

Increasing thermal stability

The base body and the guide elements of our precision tables are made from a high-quality stainless steel profile. This eliminates the need for separate guides. This offers the decisive advantage of increased accuracy and, in particular, high thermal stability. As a result, we guarantee precision and durability for demanding applications.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische

Great Price-Performance

Our technologies are designed to provide precise and reliable motion solutions for a wide range of industrial applications. At the heart of this are our motorized and manual positioning systems, which enable maximum accuracy and control. Our linear guidance systems and customized components - from bearing units to shaft couplings - are designed to ensure seamless and durable motion sequences.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische

Could it be any easier?

In combination with the controllers from FASTECH, the leading manufacturer of stepper motor systems from South Korea, our motorized axes are ready for immediate use and require no additional configuration. They are conveniently controlled via PC via RS-485 / USB or your industrial network, such as EtherCAT. This enables a quick and efficient start to your projects.

GMT Europe, Positioniertechnik, Lineartische, Rotationstische, Positioniertische

Recent News

Wir sind auf Messe
We are at trade fair
Trade fair

From November 13-14, 2024 we will be at the “Precision Fair” in S'Hertogenbosch (NL), Hall 3, Stand 467. Visit us and let us inspire you with our products.

Mach Karriere
Start yoour career

Looking for your next career move? We are always on the hunt for committed and motivated colleagues in the areas of sales, logistics and consulting. Apply today!